demonstrate and engaging maths activity using an everyday phenomena and the rationale will justify your choice and explain how this activity could be

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September 7, 2020
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September 7, 2020

demonstrate and engaging maths activity using an everyday phenomena and the rationale will justify your choice and explain how this activity could be

demonstrate and engaging maths activity using an everyday phenomena and the rationale will justify your choice and explain how this activity could be used withchildren.Assessment details:
Maths phenomenon: a fact, an impressive maths occurrence, a maths miracle or an event which can be explained using maths.
This assessment is an opportunity for you to show how maths can be fun and used to explain an everyday phenomenon. Write a maths phenomenon which relates of thefollowing topic:
1. Nature (Week 3) Science and nature have a close association within contemporary discourse, but sometimes we need to be reminded that so do maths and nature. Duringthis week we are going to explore all the amazing ways maths is present in nature; from the Golden Ration to the geometric sequences of bacteria. This week will reallyhelp you with Assessment 1 as so many of the things we discuss can be part of your video presentation.
The Fibonacci sequence
Look at the images below and consider what patterns and similarities you may be able to see. Fibonacci sequence refers to a number sequence which Leonardo Fibonacciintroduced in the middle ages (Knott, 2010b).
It is interesting to explore where you can see the Fibonacci sequence in nature, go on a bush walk, visit a park, or even go to a market and have some fun exploringpine cones, petals, seed heads, and even vegetables (Knott, 2010)
Fibonacci in nature (Parveen, n.d); .
Perfect geometry
Now that you have explored Fibonacci sequence in nature, you may have also started to see all the different shapes too. Some of them approximate geometricallyperfect shapes like a starfish.
Symmetry can be seen everywhere in nature.Symmetry Many natural and man-made objects are symmetrical in two and three dimensions. Symmetry can be either rotational, when the image looks the same as it isrotated around a central point, or lateral, when it is reflected on the other wise of a line or axis. (Vorderman , 1996) p. 158.
Look at these 10 beautiful examples of symmetry in nature (Grant, 2013) and read the explanations.
Consider how you may use some of these images as stimuli when working with children in a mathematical way.
Symmetry may seem a very simple concept, yet, The mathematical study of symmetry is systematized and formalized in the extremely powerful and beautiful area ofmathematics called group theory (WolframMathWorld, 2014).This area of mathematics is important in quantum mechanics, without which we wouldnt have computers amongst other inventions (if you are interested read 10 Real-worldapplications of quantum mechanics (Atteberry, 2014).Geometric patterns
Patterns can be found throughout nature.
Take the structure of the chemical element benzene, it has a hexagonal structure.
A tessellation is a specific type of pattern that uses identical shapes with no gaps (like honeycomb). Irregular tessellation uses more than one shape (like a soccerball what shapes make up a soccer ball?)
Spirals are a curve which turns around some central point, getting further away (or closer and closer) as it goes (Maths is Fun, 2011b). You may have experiencedmaking spirographs when you were a child
pi (p)
Pi (p) is the number that represents the ratio of a circles circumference divided by its diameter.
Its is approximately equal to 3.14159265358979323846 (the digits go on forever without becoming a repeating sequence) and it is a type of number mathematicianscategorise as irrational and transcendental.
A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simpleprocess over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. (Fractal Foundation, 2013).
Look at these 14 amazing fractals found in nature (Gunther, 2013)
Example Activity:
Activity: The doorbell rang
1. Consider this scenario:
Two children attempt to share out 12 cookies equally between them. The cookies have been made by their father and the children think that they look and smell good,but no-one makes cookies like grandma. Just as the children divide the biscuits between them the doorbell rings and two more children arrive. The children begin toshare out the biscuits four ways. Again the doorbell rings and now the biscuits need to be a shared six ways. As more and more children arrive the shares in thebiscuits get smaller till each child is entitled to one each. Then the doorbell rings yet again. Luckily this time it is Grandma and she has bought some more cookies.
adapted from Pound and Lee, 2011, pp. 54-55
Now watch section 1:15-2:19 of the video clip illustrating this scenario being used within contemporary practice

3. Now its time for you to play. Have a go at working through the scenario, imagining you are a child exploring maths in a creative manner through play (you may wantto record your play as a practice for Assessment 1 not for submission but just for you to explore the technology and reflect upon your own practice.)
4. Now undertake some reflection about this activity and share it on the discussion board. You should think about how children will explore the scenario, what mathsknowledge you may teach and numeracy skills children may experience.There are two components to this task:
Part A
You are required to assume the role of a teacher and write 300 words that shows how you would share a maths activity with children.
In preparing your writing you must:
Think about what is appropriate for your identified audience i.e. is it for parents and/or teachers to use? or for children?
think about how old are the children the activity is aimed at?
Part B
Submit a 200-word rationale that justifies why you have chosen your particular phenomena and explains how you would apply the maths activity with children. This shouldalso identify why it is appropriate for your intended audience and describe any supporting resources.Marking Criteria:
Part A:
You have carefully considered the audience and model and how you would undertake the activity with or for children.
Part B:
2. Written rationale
You explain why you have chosen the maths phenomenon.
You explain how you would extend the maths learning by making links to a range of sources.
You describe any supportive resources and literature which will help you to develop maths opportunities for children.
You demonstrate an understanding of APA style referencing in-text and in the reference list.