What Is Psychology?
July 5, 2020
What does it take to raise a succesful child? Is it the be the best at everything or you’re nothing approach that chinese mothers” take?
July 5, 2020

Debate Paper

Present a positive argument for expanding, or even having, a township recreation and parks department. Pretend you have to defend this idea of a recreation & parks department in front of your municipality’s executive committee in town hall. Make believe that your township’s executive committee wants to cut the Recreation Program. Members of the Board are saying that since delinquency is high, and fires are being started by the delinquents, the youngsters are trashing the streets – what is needed are more police, fireman and sanitation workers.

Give at least six major points. Do not write about YMCA’s or Scouts, or Boys & Girls Clubs. Include at least three references, or sources of your findings. A substantial question to consider is how much should a township allot, or pay, for a recreation & parks program – in addition to providing facilities?

Be sure to include and expand on these ideas: (A) the Recreation Program’s Economic Contribution to the township (property values, employment, how it makes tax revenue, & makes money from visitor’s spending); (B) the Program’s Health-related benefits; (C) how the Program promotes the Cultural Arts; and how the township’s Recreation Program improves inter-group relations. What are three other major points to make (D, E, F)? Consider other municipal workers, sanitation, police, fire, and public works. Should the Recreation Department be eliminated?