Debate how Knowledge of western pharmacology is necessary to assist you in your chosen subject specialist area
Title: Debate how knowledge of western pharmacology is necessary to assist you in your chosen subject specialist area
should be locate it in the frond cover. My subject specialist is Chinese Medicine.
Abstract: A short (200 words approx.) summary of the essays written as one paragraph. DO NOT include references in the abstract, acronyms or abbreviations or summarize how to structure the essay.
Introduction: Relevant background information about the subject of interest. Focusing the reader on the context of study, relevant scientific literature.
Aim should be include at the and of the introduction. For example: The Aim of this essay is to explain how the knowledge of western pharmacology will assist an individual practitioner to use herbal medicines in combinations with western medicine in a correct way without any implications¦¦¦
Appropriate references. Introduction should be approx. 250 words.
Main body: Main body should be approx. 900 words and should focus on the aim of the assay. The assay should written in a simple understanding way with flow, that makes it easy for the reader to understand. Should include informations about western pharmacology and herbal medicines, positive and negative effects. For example there are Chinese and western herbal medicine that they work well together with western medicine and there are some that they cause damage to the internal organs. Main body of the essay should include this medicines follow with some examples of negative and positive effects and the side effects. For example IVF is proved that works very good with Chinese Medicines and can give better and faster results, but some other Chinese Medicine can cause Kidney failure if they given to patient together with western medicines.
Conclusion: Should be approx. 200 words. Should be one paragraph and about two three sentence. Bring together main findings bearing in mind the aim of the assay.