Data informed decision making ( elementary and secondary level)

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Data informed decision making ( elementary and secondary level)

Data informed decision making ( elementary and secondary level)

M7 Assignment 1: LASA 2€”Assessment Analysis

The RtI process relies upon teachers administering classroom assessments to collect and analyze data. Through this analysis, teachers can make evidence-based decisions on how they can support all students’ academic and social needs.

In this assignment, you will analyze research-based assessment instruments that address the needs of students with varying levels of abilities in a general education classroom.

Select several instruments that cover content areas and determine which instrument is appropriate for the targeted groups in a multi-tiered classroom. Then, select and research four groups of students with special needs such as learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, or bilingual.

Be sure to include the following key elements in your assignment:
€¢Types of assessment instruments available to address a variety of needs
€¢Reliable, valid, and research-based assessments
€¢Scholarly critique of assessment instruments