Why do businesses use social media?
September 14, 2020
Health Policy Issue
September 14, 2020


nt in our lives. The act of dancing to music is a core the various dance survey processes. Over time, there have been different views and definitions of a dance by different authors. The definitions have some contrasts and similarities depending on the individual perspective of each and every author.This response paper will evaluate existing commonalities and contrasts that relate to the different definitions of a dance. Each definition by the author will be categorically expounded the existing similarities and differences will be clearly spelt out. Additional web search and my personal viewpoint will be lengthily discussed too.


Different authors and personalities have come up different definitions for a dance. However, slight similarities in definitions do exist. For instance,both Ted Shawn and Walterascertain that a dance is instrumental in expressingone’s feelings. In such, one dances in an attempt to express his inner feelings outwardly. Additionally, Mary Wigman claims that a dance is essential in attuning the inner feelings of the dancer. Further on Alvin Ailey and RishitSheth claim that a dance is primarily meant for entrainment.


The definitions of a dance are diverse with distinct differences. For instance, George Balanchine claims that a dance does not portray any originality in the dancer whileIsadora Duncan claims that dances depict real love. A further contrast is evident whereby Balanchine claims that the movements are determined by the composer while Duncan claims that the movements are dependent on the rhythm of the soul.

Personal Viewpoint and Additional Findings

Personally, I feel that dances are dependent on the environment and the situation at hand. For instance, dances may be social, religious or modern depending on the prevailing situation or activity (Lihs, 2002). With such, then the dance may be defined as the expression of inner feelings and emotions of the dancer. Ultimately, the feeling that will be expressed will be dependent on the environmental proceedings. I, therefore, concur with the definition by Ted Shawn. Additional findings regarding the definition by Shawn are also evident. From his works, Ted Shawn claims that individual skills and abilities are essential in expressing one’s feeling and emotions (Guest, 2014).


Guest, A. H. (Ed.). (2014). Shawn’s fundamentals of dance.Routledge.

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Lihs, H. R. (2002). Appreciating dance: A guide to the world’s liveliest art. Hightstown, NJ: Princeton Book