Daily life in the medieval Islamic world

October 10, 2020
Developing a collaborative network organization: leadership challenges at multiple
October 10, 2020

Daily life in the medieval Islamic world

Topic: Daily life in the medieval Islamic world

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

This question will ask you to step down from the elite world of political
legitimacy and administration to more everyday concerns about daily life
in the medieval Islamic world. As we have seen so far this semester,
Muslim scholars have agreed on some issues and violently disagreed on
others. For this question, you will need to account for the competing
strains of Islamic thought and practice that developed in the medieval
Islamic world down to fourteenth century? In your essay you will need to
address specific similarities and dissimilarities that characterize the shariaminded, Sufi, Sunni, and Shi`i traditions; the role and status of men and
women in the family and society; as well as the role and status of the
dhimmi populations in the medieval Islamic world.
. An excellent essay
(that is, an A essay) will take this into account in some fashion as well as provide a clear
sense of historical context and chronology. You will also need to defend your position
with specific evidence from Lindsay, Daily Life in the Medieval Islamic World; Ferdowsi,
The Tragedy of Sohrab and Rostam; Cook, Forbidding Wrong in Islam;