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Customer Value

Shared Activities
Shared Activity: Customer Value
Consider again the device on which you are taking this module. It most likely features word processing software, Internet capability and a certain memory capacity. Depending on your product, you may also have access to other functions such as the ability to photograph and videotape, compose and play music and create intricate illustrations. You may have chosen this device because you value its ease of use. Or you may be price conscious and this brand was less expensive than others. Your choice might have been related to brand reputationthe fact that you recognised and trusted the brand because of a bad experience with a different brand. In any case, most likely you had a number of choices regarding which brand and product you chose. Organisations place a great deal of time, money and effort in their marketing and brand management efforts to determine how and why customers choose what they do. This is dependent on value and the concept of exchangethat customers are willing to exchange their money and loyalty for perceived benefits and services. Value may be behavioral in nature, or it may be influenced by lifestyle.
Now expand your image of a product to include intangibles such as a person (e.g., celebrity, politician); a service, such as a plumber or a dry cleaner; a holiday destination; or a contribution to society such as a charitable organisation or the United Nations. What do you value and trust about the image in your mind? What troubles you about it, if anything? In other words, does this product have a good brand reputation?
For this units Shared Activity you consider the elusive concept of value. In your group you will discuss how organisations offer products and services of value to customers and what sets one product or service apart from its competitors in terms of value.
To prepare for this Shared Activity:
? Review the unit Readings, focusing on the module text chapters. Reflect on how the authors define marketing orientation and what factors influence customer value.
? Reflect on an organisation that produces products or services you frequently purchase. Consider the following questions:
o What do you value about this organisations products or services?
o What does this organisation do that sets it apart from others in terms of customer value?
o How does it compare with other organisations in the same sector?
o Think of specific examples that you have observed in which brand reputation affected an organisations performance.
? Choose an organisation that you will discuss. You may choose your own organisation or another but for the purposes of this activity, it is preferable that you choose one that produces products rather than services.
To complete this Shared Activity:
? Describe your organisation. Include in your description references to some of the following:
o Who are the principal customers?
o What do they value (i.e. what are they looking for when they buy products or services and why)?
o To what extent is this company customer-orientated?
o What value do the organisations current products or services provide to these customers?
o If applicable, describe the value the brands produced by your chosen organisation provide to customers.
o Include in your answer your knowledge of the factors of customer value (e.g. choice, exchange).
? Respond to one or more colleagues who chose a different organisation to feature. Add an additional insight on what that organisations customers might value and how the organisation meets that customer value need.
? Be sure to support your postings with evidence from the Readings and other current literature from the UoRL Library and other credible sources. Consult the Harvard Referencing Style Guide for proper citation and referencing information. It is critical that you learn to cite resources often and appropriately following University of Roehampton-approved Harvard Style early enough so that will feel confident using this style elsewhere in this module and in your Final Project.
? Please note that confidentiality of information discussed in Shared Activities cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, please do not include identifying details of actual individuals or organisations in your group work or responses.
Participate in this Shared Activity only during the period of this unit, to ensure that you and your colleagues can keep track of one anothers postings and maintain a focused, collaborative discussion. Review the Syllabus and Shared Activity Rubric for information on how your contributions to the Shared Activities will be graded in this module. In each unit, you will receive feedback from your Faculty Member on your participation in the Shared Activities, focusing on your contributions to the learning community. In Unit 6, your Faculty Member will provide final feedback and a final grade on your Shared Activity contribution throughout the module.
To complete your Shared Activity, click on Shared Activities Forum on the Module Menu and select your Groups Discussion area, then select Unit 1 Shared Activity to begin.