US History 20th Century
October 24, 2020
Assess the similarities (plea bargaining, appeals, right to hearings, right against self- incrimination, due process, etc) and differences (rehabilita
October 24, 2020

Culture Industry

What is the “Culture Industry thesis”? explain Adorno and Horkheimer’s argument and then discuss whether or not you agree with their position.
Write an essay considering some of costs of consumer society and our habits on consumption. Are there alternatives available that you would reasonably endorse?
(3) What is gentrification? What are some of its causes and effects? Why, according to zine author Orphana, is it a force that should be resisted?
this BOOK ( Third Edition popular culture, Ause’s Guide. Susie O’Brine ,McMaster University. Imre Szeman, university of Alberta).