critique the story draft of the student

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May 24, 2020
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May 24, 2020

critique the story draft of the student

critique the story draft of the student

Project description
Using the PPQ format, address the following questions:

Has the main character changed in some way, however subtle?
Does the writer satisfactorily employ the full narrative arc (conflict, crisis/climax, resolution)? If not, what’s missing? Offer a suggestion for how the author might work within the arc.
Which type of ending (from the list of ineffective or effective endings included in this module) does the author use in this story? Is the ending satisfying/earned? Does it leave you with resonance, or thinking about some universal truth?

Remember: FIRST Praise THEN Polish FINALLY Question

You may mention grammatical issues but grammar should not be the focus of your critique unless the grammar problems interfere with your ability to assess the story itself. Ideally you should demonstrate that you know how the story can be improved in terms of writing craft.