You will submit a critique that critically appraises ONE research article from the list in your Interact site. This critique should be written in essay format and should include:
A short discussion that highlights the value of research to nursing in general and the impact that research in the area of your chosen article makes to nursing and Evidence Based practice. (approx 500 words); and
A critique of the key components of your chosen research article (approx. 2000 words). These key components consist of, but are not limited to:
o Title
o Abstract
o Introduction
o Literature Review
o Methodology/ sample/ ethics
o Data collection strategies
o Data analysis/ Results
o Discussion/ Limitations/ Conclusions
This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: evaluate the relationships between research, evidence based practice; and nursing and midwifery
describe the research process and explain its components
critically evaluate research articles and their applicability to practice
Apply the principles of ethical research in critically appraising research articles
Marking criteria
Assessment Criteria for NRS296 Research Critique
Criteria HD 17 20 DI 15 16.5 CR 13 14.5 PS 10 12.5 FL 0 9.5 Weighting
Relevance of Research to nursing and impact of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) You have defined and discussed the characteristics of EBP and described its value for nursing.
You have identified and explained valid reasons and explained why the research is important.
You have discussed the factors that have limited or facilitated the impact of the research with the chosen article.
You have presented an original position that builds a relationship between your particular chosen article and nursing supported by evidence You have defined and discussed the characteristics of EBP and described its value for nursing.
You have identified and explained valid reasons for why the research was important.
You have discussed the factors that have limited or facilitated the impact of the research with the chosen article.
You have described the impact of the research in the area of your chosen article makes to nursing and EBP You have defined the characteristics of EBP and described its value for nursing.
You have identified and explained valid reasons for why the research was important.
You have discussed some of the factors that have limited or facilitated the impact of the research with the chosen article. You have discussed or explored some of the characteristics of EBP and described its value for nursing.
You have identified some valid reasons for why the research was important. You have not defined the characteristics of EBP and/ or not described its value for nursing.
You have not identified valid reasons for why the research was important. /20
Criteria HD 25.5 30 DI 22.5 25 CR 19.5 22 PS 15 19 FL 0 14.5 Weighting
Critique of the chosen research article You have identified all of the key components of the research article.
You have explained the purpose of all the key components comprehensively
You have analysed and evaluated the appropriateness, congruence and consistency of the research articles key components with the identified with design, method and methodology
You have analysed and evaluated the relationship between all the key components and the research design/method You have identified most of the key components of the research article
You have explained the purpose of most of the key components thoroughly
You have identified the appropriateness congruence and consistency of each key component and have compared and contrasted and analysed the key components with design, method and methodology
You have explained the relationship between all the key components and the research design/method You have identified some of the key components of the research article.
You have explained the purpose of some of the key components that you identified.
You have identified the appropriateness of each discrete key component and have compared and contrasted the key components with design, method and methodology
You have discussed the relationship between most of the key components and the research design/method You have identified some of the key components of the research article.
You have described the purpose of the identified components.
You have indicated the appropriateness of each discrete key component
You have described some of the key components and made some links to the research design/method You have described and reviewed the contents of the research article, but have not discussed the purpose of each component or critiqued the research process. /30
Communicate effectively using academic writing
-structure (essay structure, academic voice etc)
grammatical conventions (spelling, punctuation, grammar) You have logically, systematically and succinctly structured the content to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work
used formal academic language
consistently adhered to grammatical conventions You have logically and systematically structured the content to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work
used formal academic language
consistently adhered to grammatical conventions You have logically structured the content to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work
used formal academic language
mostly adhered to grammatical conventions, though some errors remain. You have partially structured the content into loosely linked rudimentary paragraphs to create a comprehensible, descriptive piece of work
used formal academic language
mostly adhered to grammatical conventions, though some errors remain. You have partially structured the content
Used frequent informal language
Multiple errors with grammatical conventions no marks awarded but 5% can be deducted.
Apply evidence/ information from credible sources You have located, evaluated and synthesised an extensive range of highly relevant information from current scholarly sources, that substantially supported your essay
You have accurately and consistently adhered to APA referencing conventions in both intext referencing and the reference list throughout the entire work You have located, evaluated and synthesised a range of relevant information from current scholarly sources, that supported your essay
You have almost always accurately and consistently adhered to APA referencing conventions in both intext referencing and the reference list throughout the entire work. You have located, evaluated and incorporated a range of relevant information from current scholarly sources, that supported your essay
You have accurately adhered to APA referencing conventions in both intext referencing and the reference list throughout most of the work You have located and collated partly relevant information from a range of sources, that provided some support for your essay
You made an attempt to adhere to APA referencing conventions in both intext referencing and the reference list, but with errors or inconsistencies You have used information from sources that was tenuously related to your topic and/or not current.
You did not adhere to APA referencing conventions in both intext referencing and the reference list no marks awarded but 5% can be deducted
Your score out of 100 will be converted to a score out of 50
Research paper
The experiences of rural and remote families involved in an inter-hospital transfer to a tertiary ICU: A hermeneutic study
Benjamin Mackie, RN, BN (Dist), Grad Dip (ICN), MN (ICN), M Adv Praca, , ,
Ursula Kellett, RN, BA (Hons), MN, PhDb,
Marion Mitchell, RN, BN (Hons), Grad Cert Ed (Higher Ed), PhDc,
Angela Tonge, BSW, Grad Cert Hlth Studies (Loss & Grief)d
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Inter-hospital transfers are necessary for critically ill patients to improve their chance of survival. Rural and remote families experience significant disruption to family life when critically ill patients are required to undergo a transfer to a tertiary hospital. What is not known is how ICU staff can assist these families who are involved in an inter-hospital transfer to a tertiary ICU.
To gain an understanding of rural and remote critical care families experiences during an inter-hospital transfer to a tertiary ICU.
A hermeneutic phenomenological approach was adopted informed by the philosophical world views of Heidegger and Gadamer. Data collection occurred by in-depth conversational interviews from a purposeful sample of seven family members. Interview transcripts, field notes and diary entries formed the text which underwent hermeneutic analysis.
Being confused, being engaged, being vulnerable and being resilient emerged as significant aspects of the rural and remote family members experience during a transfer event.
A better understanding of the experiences of rural and remote families during an inter-hospital transfer journey can inform the practice of ICU nurses. This study highlights the specific experiences of rural and remote families during an inter-hospital transfer journey to a tertiary ICU. It also informs nurses of the meaningful ways in which they can support these families with the uncertainty and chaos experienced as part of this journey.
Critically ill;
Inter-hospital transfer;
Hermeneutic phenomenology;
Intensive care;
Critical care;
Rural and remote areas