Critically analyse advertising campaign ‘real beauty’ by DOVE
Order Description
• Research. Demonstrate extensive and effective secondary research into the socio-cultural, political and economic context of promotional practices.
• Theory. Demonstrate your ability to draw on relevant theoretical frameworks to analyse the impact and effects of specific promotional practices
• Reflection. Demonstrate your ability to critically reflect on promotional practice and discourse in order to identify issues and explore alternatives
• Communication. Present a clear and cohesive argument in accordance with academic standards, including in-text referencing and bibliography
References to use
Commodification of Gender Roles
1. Dara Persis Murray. 2013. Branding “Real” Social Change in Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty, Feminist Media Studies, 13:1, 83-101
2 Giddens, A. 1991. Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Palo Alto CA, London: Stamford University Press.