Project description
Hi, please read chapter one introduction page 1-10 and answer the questions. Please try to use simple words. Thanks a lot.
Added on 28.01.2015 15:03
Critical reading worksheets: Antoun
Antoun, ch. 1 Introduction
A. Why does Antoun mention popular and journalistic views (p.1, line 8)? Why does he note how fundamentalists are generally viewed (p.1, last line)?
B. [Priority] How does Antoun define fundamentalism?
a. On which page(s) of chapter 1?
b. What are its main themes?
c. What parts of his definition are necessary (vs. typical) for identifying a fundamentalist group?
C. What definition(s) of fundamentalism does Antoun oppose?
D. Give your best example(s) of the ethos of change > continuity, quantity > quality, OR efficiency > sympathy.
E. Optional. Would you split the Quantity over Quality section into more than one paragraph? If so, how and why?