Critical analysis Ikea Operations Management

Latin American Economics
June 20, 2020
franchise agreement
June 20, 2020

Critical analysis Ikea Operations Management

Order Description

The details are bellow, however please check the attached files for the assignment brief, marking criteria aand some possible sources however additional academic and reliable sources are needed.

Critical analysis Ikea Operations Management by answering the following 2 operations management questions: (maximum 10 internet sources)(I will send you some possible helpful sources however new sources are needed as not all of them are appropriate and are not enough)

Question 1. Identify three important Operation Management (OM) decision areas (e.g. Managing quality, inventory management, layout strategy, process design, Location strategy, Human resources and job design , Supply chain management, Scheduling, Maintenance , Design of goods and services) in Ikea. Critically analyse the present activities of IKEA on the chosen OM decision areas and suggest ways to improve performance.
(The 3 chosen decision areas are as follows:
Layout strategy- Ikea has a unique layout design that “forces ” customers to enter on one way and exit another, this way they get to see almost all the products and maybe even do some impulsive buying based on what they see
Inventory management
Human Resources and job design)

Question 2. Discuss the operations strategy of IKEA. Critically evaluate how the organisation operations strategy will enhance the company’s competitive advantage?


References need to be at the end of each paragraph

Maximum 10 internet sources

Marking criteria Question 1:
Comprehensive critical analysis of 3 Operations Management decision areas in the case, supported by strong evidence from the literature, to support the discussion. Sensible and logical, substantiated recommendations to improve performance

Marking Criteria Question 2:
A comprehensive answer that shows a sound evaluation of the operations strategy towards attaining good quality at competitive business advantage. The student demonstrates a real understanding of all issues in company, supported by evidences & appropriate examples.