Crisis and Business Continuity Management
CORP 3364 Crisis and Business Continuity Management Assignment Brief 2014 Four A4 pages; Module grade weighting 50%; Submission date Monday 24th November 2014 (week 9)
For this individual assignment you should write a response in essay format to one of the following tasks: 1. The concept of ‘resilience’ is commonly used to describe organisations and their crisis and business continuity management. Explain what is meant by organisational resilience and evaluate whether resilience can help to improve the ability to prevent and recover from acute crises. 2. Business Continuity Management (BCM) can be viewed as a form of strategic risk management. Discuss the difficulties with prediction and probability in relation to identifying the serious threats that an organisation might face in the future? 3. Many business continuity practitioners are currently re-evaluating their plans for pandemic threats as a result of the rise in Ebola virus cases. Making specific reference to previous instances of pandemic threats, evaluate whether this re-evaluation is necessary. Whichever task you choose to answer, you should incorporate research from peer reviewed journals along with practical illustrations. All sources used in your essay should be correctly cited within the essay and a full reference list follow your essay.
A generic guide to essay writing can be found on the DMU library website:
Submission Procedure
An electronic version of your work should be submitted via the module’s Blackboard site before 4pm on Monday 24th November 2014 (week 9 ). Late submission will be subject to the Business School’s standard penalties for late submission (see below). Please ensure that you submit to the correct area within the “Turnintin” area of the Blackboard site. There is a separate submission button for each question.
Presentation Requirements
• The cover page should include your student ID number but not your name. • The work must be presented in essay format followed by a list of references. • The work should be referenced within the text using the Harvard citation format. A full Harvard-style list of references must also be included and follow the main text. A guide to Harvard citation is found on the module’s Blackboard site. Do not use footnoted references. • The work must be presented in 12 point font size with single spacing and must not exceed four A4 pages (excluding cover page, list of references, and graphics) with margins of 2 centimetres all round. • Should you wish to include any pictures, illustrations or graphics, these should be positioned after the list of references rather than within the text of your essay. • A contents page is not required.
In the following instances, grade reductions will apply: Penalty Work exceeds four A4 pages and/or contains incorrect spacing, font or margins+ Deduction of 10 marks Incorrect layout of the work (work should be presented in essay format) Deduction of 10 marks Late submission up to 14 days after the submission date Maximum grade of 40% Late submission 14 or more days after the submission date Grade awarded of 0% Incorrect formatting/presentation of in-text references and/or list of references Deduction of 5 marks Inconsistency between in-text references and list of references Deduction of 5 marks +Furthermore, written material that extends the text beyond the four A4 page limit will not marked