Identify and define economic indicators that reflect the strength of the economy (e.g. real GDP, unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rate, hou
September 26, 2020
Alfa Romeo, Google, or
September 26, 2020



How has contemporary critical criminology defined power? What is the effect of this power on crime and terrorism?
Discuss rational choice theory.
Explain in detail administrative criminology.
Discuss the belief that harsh punishment such as the death penalty does not deter terrorists from committing acts of terrorism. Give examples in your answer.
Discuss the concept of Classical criminology. How is it related to domestic terrorism?

How does the classical school of criminology differ from the other schools of criminological theory?
How does the classical school of criminology differ from the socialization views of crime?
Use an example of a terrorist activity to show the differences between the theories.

Discuss the evolution of Lombroso’s biological determinism.
Discuss the relationship of biological determinism to the contemporary biosocial theory.

Discuss the difference between deviant behavior and criminal behavior.
How are deviant and criminal behaviors related to domestic terrorism?