Works Cited Exercise
June 30, 2020
Imagine you are a recently-hired Chief Operating Officer (COO) in a midsize company preparing for an Initial Public Offering (IPO). You quickly discov
June 30, 2020


Instructions: When developing your answers you must include some (cited) facts to support the major points in your response. Your response should not include continuous cites, without your thoughts and analysis also. Your quiz must be balanced with cited facts, information, and your perspective on the points you made.

Your responses to the quiz questions should be a minimum of 3 pages in length, excluding title and references pages, doubled spaced and written in 12 point Arial font. Include the question you are responding to immediately before each answer. A title/cover page must be included. Just a reminder, all cites and references should be included and formatted in APA style. Minimize the use of direct quotes. Use indented blockquotes if quoting 40 words of more.

Before responding to each quiz question, view and take notes on the following short video – The Truth About Violence.

1. Is aggression an innate and deterministic quality from birth, or is it something that one that all can control, as a matter of free will and choice, to be used when we need it — in a calculated manner?

2. Identify and explain the major issues regarding accurately predicting crime trends and the future of the criminal man, as illustrated in Bennett’s work, Crimewarps, in our text.

3. Which Classical School theorist do you think contributed the most to the advancement of criminological theory? Explain why you choose that particular theorist over the other Classical School theorist of the time?.

4. Which Positivist School theorist do you think contributed the most to the advancement of criminological theory? Explain why you choose that particular theorist over the other Positivist School theorist of the time.

5. Explain both the consequences and benefits that the Positivist School brought to criminal justice reform.