Examine Important Court Cases
October 16, 2020
Theoretical Frameworks
October 16, 2020

crimes against humanity

Response Paper Guidelines

You are required to write two short (4-5 pages) response papers to the readings for the term. You should respond to one reading for the week.  You will briefly synthesize the argument of the reading or readings you have selected and then offer a thoughtful, critical, developed response.  See due dates in the syllabusNote: you cannot double-use the articles reviewed for your response papers for discussion facilitation and vice-versa.   


In order to do well in these papers, you must address the following:


Summary of Author’s Main Ideas and Arguments

What is the author’s thesis statement?  What key concepts and ideas is s/he working with (e.g., discourse, history, identity, hegemony, culture, representation, etc.)?  Summarize the major points of the article here.  


Analysis and Critique (Most of your paper should focus on this section)

What do I think about the argument(s) the author is making?  What significance do I find in them?  Are they (or are they not) saying something new?  Are there points I disagree with the author?  On what grounds?  How clearly, adequately and effectively did the author set out his/her argument? 

Make sure to format your paper to 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins. 

Response Paper Evaluation

Name: __________________________________ Grade Earned: _____/20

  • Summarized the major points of the article.
  • Analyzed and critiqued the article with examples to support the writer’s arguments.

  • The writer engaged in self-reflexivity in her/his critique of the article.
  • The paper was grammatically and mechanically sound (12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch, 4-5 pages). 

