Creative Campaign – Case Study Report

Organizational change and communication
March 14, 2020
Critically evaluate the IMC practices employed by English Premier  League Football Clubs to reach a specific target market within the two countries s
March 14, 2020

Creative Campaign – Case Study Report

Creative Campaign – Case Study Report

Analyse a creative campaign.
You may choose between the federal government’s public health campaign ‘Swap It, Don’t Stop It’ (, or the NSW government’s environmental campaign ‘Love Food, Hate

Waste’ (

Evaluate and review the creative campaign, and by researching sources and reference material, determine what the client brief was and how the creative agency responded to this. Please note

that it is mandatory to name the advertising agency that created the campaign in your case study report. In writing your case study remember that this is not an essay, but a business report

that will provide the reader with the key facts of the campaign, and a discussion of the agency-client relationship. Breaking your work into themes through the use of sub-headings and

paragraphs will help you to do this effectively.

1.Campaign Overview
Begin your case study by providing an overview of the campaign.
Key issues to address include (but not limited to):
– Name of client and purpose of campaign.
– Name of agencies who supported the campaign i.e. media, creative, public relations etc.
– Name of stakeholders who needed to be consulted on the project and the type of tactics the agency/client would have used to win their support.
– When was the campaign produced and how much / what type of media was used to support the campaign?
– Was there anything that the agency and client needed to take into consideration (past, present or future) for the campaign to be a success?
– What were the marketing activities used in the campaign? Which ones were the most successful and which ones were not?
– What was the Client’s consideration and decision in choosing this advertising? Was it the right decision or not? Would you have made a different decision?
– Did this creative approach work well with other marketing approaches managed by the Client?

Do not answer these questions individually, but write them into a paragraph. For example: The ‘Swap It, Don’t Stop It’ campaign began on date/month, with a budget of x. The campaign was

developed by (name of advertising agency) for (name of client). The purpose of the campaign is…., the target audience is…., the timeframe is…, the budget is…the stakeholders are…., the type of

campaign is…….., the agencies employed were/are….

2. Measuring success/evaluation
– How successful was the creative campaign? How this is measured?
– Has it altered the way the Client has approached its communications since? What are your thoughts on subsequent communications?
Did the creative have an impact on industry standards and approaches? Did it have an effect on consumers, an industry or the Government?

You must answer this question with regard to measuring the success or failure of the campaign. Evaluation is a critical element of any communications activity.

3. Agency-client relationship
– Has the Client remained with this Creative Agency? Do you think the project would have changed the relationship? For the better or worse?

NB: Advertising/marketing is usually about the relationship between the customer and the company. This subject, however, addresses another type of relationship – the business-to-business

relationship between a client and their agency (or agencies). Agency-client relationship management, not customer relationship management, should therefore be discussed in this assignment.

References to the unit text Solomon (2008) ‘The Art of Client Service’ and the highly recommended unit readings will be well regarded.

4. Recommendations
What do you think should be the next steps for the client, agency and the campaign? This is the place where you can build on the research material you have gathered and provide your own

– If you were the agency and/or client what is the one thing you would ‘continue’ to do with this campaign?
– If you were the agency and/or client what is the one thing you would ‘stop’ doing with this campaign?
– If you were the agency and/or client what is the one thing you would ‘start’ to do with this campaign?

Note: Your involvement with this assignment provides no approval or authority to make direct contact with the agency or client to obtain information. Your assessment is based entirely on

your observational and research skills, such as accessing publicly available information from a variety of sources, including – but not limited to – the organisation’s website, industry and trade

journals, news media, industry awards, surveys, business reports, client success stories, etc. And all sources must be appropriately referenced.

(B)The purpose of assignment:
– provide students with the opportunity to understand requirements of a creative campaign, particularly the Client Brief and the responding Creative Pitch, by deconstructing the elements into

a report,
– provide students with the opportunity to critically reflect on agency/client decisions through selected creative campaigns, and articulate these decisions in a report, and
– enable students to gain a greater understanding of the organisational and practical implications in agency-client decisions.

(C)Length and format:
Minimum word limit of 3000 words – Maximum 3500 words (please note that Appendices are not included in this word limit).

Reports should be clear and concise, with sources referenced using (APA– 5th or 6th edition) referencing style only and should in a consistent manner. Newspapers, industry journals, or online

lecture material are acceptable forms of references, such as Smith, Sydney Morning Herald, 21 June 2012 or Pearson, Agency-Client Relationships, Semester One 2013.

To ensure your document is easy to read please set your margins, paragraph spacing and font size as follows:
– Margins: 2.54cm
– Font size: 12 point
– Paragraph line spacing: 1.5

(D)Marking Criteria
– Clarity of messages including adequately addressing key issues – 40%
– Evidence of research and analysis that demonstrates an integrated understanding of agency-client relationships – 40%
– Clarity of communication through format and presentation of report – 20%

Feedback will be provided during the tutorial workshops in week 14.

Rating your own work on the assignment declaration sheet:
You must use the grading sheet supplied on Moodle page for this assignment. You must indicate on this grading sheet what mark you think your assignment will receive. Rating your own

performance is something that you can and will be asked to do by an employer, so this is a good opportunity to practice.