Create and test a supervised map(using ArcGIS program)

Topic: Coup-Proofing, Military Defection, and the Arab Spring
March 18, 2020
Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy
March 18, 2020

Create and test a supervised map(using ArcGIS program)

Create and test a supervised map(using ArcGIS program)

Create and test a supervised map(using ArcGIS program)

Use the two files SPOT.PNG(will be uploaded in zip file) and Assigmentpoints.PNG ( will be uploaded as well).

Clip your image around your allocated point so you have a 5km by 5km (approximately) subimage (call it yourname.tif)

Using the methods from this course create a supervised classified map of yourname.tif
The classes are:
Built Land
Natural Vegetation
Bare Soil

Assess the accuracy of your map by comparing its outputs to 25 random points
checked against the aerial imagery base image
• Report should include:
• Introduction
• Methods
• Final Map
• Accuracy Assessment
• Conclusion
– Report should contain lots of images and no more than 1500 words.
please follow the instructions and I expect you to get back to me.
also once you finish i want you beside sending me the report i want you to send me all the files that you used in that porgram.