Create a research report that identifies and analyzes a company that has been indicted for fraud.

U.S. Army Procurement System
July 27, 2020
Mind Map and Written Reflection
July 27, 2020

Create a research report that identifies and analyzes a company that has been indicted for fraud.

Create a research report that identifies and analyzes a company that has been indicted for fraud. The report also will evaluate the auditor”s role in relation to the fraud.

1. To conduct your research, choose as a case study one of the companies listed below:
” Just for FEET, Inc. (the company I have chosen)

2. Your report must describe the issues surrounding the company and any company policies in relationship to the impact those might have on public audits/accounting.
3. Provide the following elements in your paper:
” An executive summary identifying the company, the fraud, the affected stakeholders, and the ultimate resolution.
” A brief history of the company.
” An analysis of the auditor”s role in the fraud, including any auditing standards that the auditors did not follow.
” Identification of internal controls that were circumvented or lacking and that could have prevented the fraud.
” Identify accounting policies currently in effect that are designed to prevent similar problems from occurring again, or, if no policy exists, propose a solution that would prevent a recurrence.

Your research report should be 8- to 12-pages long.
Cite at least two sources other than the textbook. Please Note: You may not use Wikipedia as a source.
Your report must be formatted to APA requirements.