Course reaction_ write an overview of the course and involvement with the course content. The 2_3 pages must use the following headings and address the following categories:
 Reaction to readings:
Areas of interest and noteworthy information.
Areas of agreement or disagreement.
Personal contribution to the group discussions.
 Reaction to course content:
What was useful and what you learned
What you already knew that was challenged or reinforced.
Best worst of course content.
What you would like to know more about.
 Personal contribution:
How you were involved in the course and helped make the course successful for yourself and others.
Suggestions for improvement or continuation of the course content delivery.
We had all these below:
 Reading discussion group in several of articles,
• -Word gems _ Mortimer Adler
• -Scripted curriculum, is it a prescription for success?
• -The Bermuda triangle of American Education_ by: Stanley Pogrow
– Founding Father? By: Russell Shorto
2- Playing catch up with developing nations makes no sense for U.S
An interview with Yong Zhao, by: Joan Richardson
3- Teachers say the most interesting things an alternative view of testing. By: Stuart Buck, Gary W. Ritter, Nathan C. Jensen, and Caleb P.Rose
 Five basic orientations to the curriculum (chapter 1985. Columbus, Oh: Macmillan. By: Elliot Eisner.
 Reading book of John Dewey ( EXPERIENCE & EDUCATION) and watch the film ( DEAD POET’S SOCIETY)
 In small group reading a book (Honky) by: Conley, Dalton. And was there artistic response.