Corporate setting that allows or encourages malfeasance or questionable acts

Corporate Social Response
September 14, 2020
Ethical issues Academic Essay
September 14, 2020

Corporate setting that allows or encourages malfeasance or questionable acts

The first article supporting the topic is by the institute of enterprise ethics. According to them, it is accepted that whatever tone set by corporate’s management will have a trickle-down impact on employees of the organization. Be that as it may, if the upper administration seems unconcerned with morals and centers singularly on how the money adds up, representatives will be more inclined to submit extortion because they feel that the moral behavior is not a center or necessity inside the association.

Justification of article 1:

Basing the credentials of the institute as a center of championing business development, a document published by them is equally as authoritative as it is reliable. The next question that comes to mind is, what are the commitment strategies developed by corporations to keep her employees from succumbing to fraud?

Summary of article 2:

The second article is from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. They claim that at the point when they are caught up with the law, corporate officers and top administration legitimately would guarantee obliviousness of the aforesaid and hole up behind the corporate cloak, and shun moral obligation regarding corporate offenses.Out of loyalty, these officers implicitly refuse to reveal any information due to fear of retaliation from other colleagues. Should the law protect such employees in the event that they decide to blow the whistle on fraud?

Justification of article 2:

The association is an internationally recognized institution that certifies and train members of the public and governance on corporate fraud. In this respect, the institution has enough experience to command a hearing in matters fraud.


Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, (2014). Tone at the top: How management can prevent fraud in the workplace. Retrieved August 4, 2014, from ACFE:

Elizabeth, C. S., Kevin, O. O., & Stephen, R. (2010, February 5). The Post-Enron Regulatory Environment:Encouraging Ethical Leadership. Retrieved August 4, 2014, from Institute of Enterprise Ethics: