-Description of the virus and the group
-Considered emerging pathogens (Martin-Navas& Weiss, 2004).
-SARS infections
-The Virion-description of the virion (Weiss &Navas-Martin, 2005).
-RNA Genome
-Virus proteins
-Murine Coronaviruses
-Human Coronaviruses
-Porcine Coronavirus
-Bovine Coronavirus
-Feline Coronavirus
Avian Coronavirus
-Full-length CDNA clones
-The MHV genome systems
-Spike Proteins
– proteins
-Membrane proteins
-Internal protein
-Small envelope protein
-Group specific proteins
-Replicase proteins (Weiss &Navas-Martin, 2005)
-Feline Coronaviruses (Licitra et al., 2013).
-Pathogens of SARS
-SARS Vaccine development
-Treatment of SARS
-Middle East Respiratory System Coronavirus-MERS-CoV (Coleman &Frieman, 2013).
Coleman, M. C.,&Frieman, B. M. (2013).Emergence of the Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus. PLOS Medicine, 9(9) e1003595. Retrieved from http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.ppat.1003595
Licitra, M.B., Millet, J. K., Reagan, D. M., Hamilton, S. B., Rinaldi, V. D. … Whittake, G. R. (2013). Mutation in spike protein cleavage site and pathogenesis of feline coronavirus.Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19(7).
Martin-Navas, S., & Weiss, R. S. (2004). Coronavirus replication and pathogenesis: Implications for the recent outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the challenge for vaccine development. Journal of Neuro Virology, 10,75-85.
Weiss, R.S.,&Navas-Martin, S. (2005). Carnivorous pathogenesis and the emerging severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 69(4), 635-664.