Topic: Assignment 2
September 27, 2020
Science and Materials
September 28, 2020

COPA Model Assessment

Use the COPA Model Assessment Assignment Format located in the Student Resources Folder to complete this assignment.

Review the COPA Models 8 core competencies and sub skills in described in the COPA Model Presentation or the C. Lenburg article, “The framework, concepts and methods of the competency outcomes and performance assessment (COPA) Model”.
Review your reflective learning/thinking, critical thinking and Benner assignments to identify the COPA Model Competency and its subskills that you met in the situations you described in each of these assignments.
Explain why you believe you met the Competency(ies) and subskills you identified.
Use Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence to identify your level of proficiency in each of the 5 situations you described in your assignments. These include: your reflective learning/thinking experience, and critical thinking experience, and the three situations you included in your Benner competency assessment assignment.
Use Benner’s criteria to provide a rationale for the level of proficiency you believe you demonstrated in the situations discussed.