Convention of architecture; Diagrammatic Transformation of Architecture
Architecture and its theory analysis to STAKE a new position in the contemporary architecture field. the new position that you stake must be informed by some theoretical stance outside of architecture, such as in art theory, philosophy, complexity sciences, information and media studies, etc.
instructions in syllabus
there were 2 previous research papers which to identify a convention of architecture (e.g. the plan, the section, the elevation, the perspectival drawing, the wall, the door, the window, volume, massing, envelope, façade, surface, ornament, detail, decoration, structure, frame, roof, profile, figure, etc.) and write a coherent brief of how this convention has been conventionally understood in either Classicist architecture, Modernist architecture or vernacular architecture. Explain the tradition of architecture’s orientation to the convention you have chosen. Moreover, Then, in the second paper, describe how this idea has been critiqued through a manifestation in contemporary projects. Then, theorize as to why this change has occurred beyond material advances and/or direct function (i.e. it can’t be that there’s just a new technology or some different human ergonomics). To theorize why this idea has changed in architecture, you will need some outside source such as political theory, economic theory, social theory, art theory, and so on from the last 25 years. Refer to that as well in this abstract.