1. Arthur decides to sell his car and puts an advert in the Huddersfield Express in Monday’s newspaper that reads, For
Sale. WV Golf, Blue, excellent condition, recently serviced, 10,000 miles, £5,000 or nearest offer. Tel. 07774 555444 or
call in at 1, Riverside Avenue, Huddersfield.’
On Monday he writes a letter to Sasha saying As you expressed an interest in buying my car I thought you would like to
know that I am willing to sell it to you for £4,500. Let me know by Thursday.
On Tuesday Sasha writes back saying Here is my cheque for £4,500 She puts it in the post that night.
On Friday morning, Sasha’s letter has still not arrived. Later that day Arthur receives a text message from Simon, which
reads, I’ll give you £5000 for the car. I’ll pick it up tomorrow. Arthur replied OK.
1.Explain to Arthur with which party he will have a valid contract. Give full reasons with case law illustrations. (25
2. Explain with examples why goods should be of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. (25 marks)
3. Explain with examples how terms are incorporated into a contract. (25 marks)
4. Explain with examples contractual remedies. (25 marks)