context of professional practice
You are asked to produce a portfolio of evidence in 5 parts:
In part one you are asked to reflect upon an aspect of your practice and critically analyse your role in relation to legal and professional ethical principles which apply to health care professionals working in the UK.
Remember that you are not expected to discuss all legal or ethical aspects. However, within the essay you must:
· Differentiate between legal principles and principles of professional ethical practice and apply these to your area of clinical practice
· Reflect upon the implications of applying legal principles and principles of professional codes of practice
· Critically explore issues of responsibility and accountability in delegating activities to others and having activities delegated to oneself
In part two you are asked to analyse the implications for health care workers in the UK in caring for patients and clients from diverse cultural backgrounds. You must:
· Debate how health services can be provided and organised to meet diverse cultural needs.
· Place an emphasis upon exploring the accessibility, effectiveness and equity of services provided for patients and clients
· Draw upon literature which has focused upon patients’, clients’ and health care workers’ experiences.
Part three focuses upon the concept of clinical governance. You must:
· Demonstrate your understanding of this concept through the production of a critical analysis of how clinical governance is implemented in a health care organisation.
· Highlight the components of clinical governance.
· Emphasise ways in which patient and client involvement is managed in this system.
· Analyse how the Nursing and Midwifery Council (UK) standards, contribute to clinical governance.
Part four requires you to:
· Explore the components of effective communication
· Ways in which professional and therapeutic relationships are developed and maintained.
· Analyse aspects of both verbal and non-verbal communication, emphasising the influence they have in the communication process.
· Critically reflect upon and evaluate your own communication skills by providing a significant example from your practice experience.
· Critically reflect upon the image you have of yourself and how this influences the way you communicate and relate to others.
· Discuss how you may need to change your perceptions of yourself in order to be able to communicate and relate to others more effectively.
please include herons six category theory of communication in part four of the essay
The last part is the completed drug calculations workbook, which includes your peer marked work.
Throughout the evidence, a range of relevant authoritative literature needs to be used to support the discussion.
Referencing Requirements:
Referencing Requirements:
Williamson, G., Jenkinson, T. and Proctor-Childs, T. (2010) Contexts of contemporary nursing Exeter: Learning Matters
Aras, G. and Crowther, D. (2010) A handbook of corporate governance and social responsibility [electronic resource] Farnham: Gower
Baggott, R. (2004) Health and health care in Britain 3rd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Barrett, G., Sellman, D. and Thomas, J. (eds) (2005) Interprofessional working in health and social care: professional perspectives Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Carers UK (2011) Valuing carers 2011 Available from:
Cavaye, J. (2006) Hidden carers Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic
Chambers, R., Boath, E. and Rogers, D. (2004) Clinical effectiveness and clinical governance made easy Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical
Day, J. (2006) Interprofessional working: an essential guide for health and social care professionals Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes
Day, J. (2006) Interprofessional working [electronic resource]: expanding nursing and health care practice Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes
Department of Health (2008) Carers at the heart of 21st families and communities London: DH. Available from:
Department of Health (2010) The NHS Quality, innovation, productivity and prevention challenge: An introduction for clinicians London: DH
Department of Health (2010) Essence of care benchmarks [Electronic version] London: DH. Available from:
Dimond, B. (2008) Legal Aspects of Nursing 5th edition. London: Longman.
Edwards, A., Daniels, H., Gallagher, T., Leadbetter, J. and Warmington, P. (eds) (2009) Improving inter-professional collaborations [electronic resource]: multi-agency working for children’s wellbeing London: Routledge
Fry, S and Johnstone, M. (2008) Ethics In Nursing Practice: A Guide to Ethical Decision Making 3rd edition.
London: Wiley-Blackwell
Leathard, A. (ed) (2003) Interprofessional collaboration [electronic resource]: from policy to practice in health and social care Hove: Bunner-Routledge
Matthews, J. (2006) The carer’s handbook: essential information and support for all those in a caring
role Oxford: How to Books
Meads, G. and Ashcroft, J. (2005) The case for interprofessional collaboration: in health and social care Oxford: Blackwell
Means, R., Richards, S. and Smith, R. (2008) Community care: policy and practice Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Sale, D. (2005) Understanding clinical governance and quality assurance: making it happen Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Swage, T. (2003) Clinical governance in health care practice Edinburgh: Butterworth-Heinemann
Tempest, M, (2006) The Future of the NHS. St. Albans: XPL Publishing.
van Zwanenberg, T. and Harrison, J. (eds) (2004) Clinical governance in primary care Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical
Thompson, I. E, Melia, K.M, Boyd, K.M and Horsburgh, D. (2006) Nursing Ethics. 5th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
Electronic journals
Clinical governance: an international journal
International journal of health care quality assurance
Useful Websites:
Audit Commission http://
Care Quality Commission Care Quality Commission
Carers UK
Community Care
Connecting For Health
Department of Health
Department of Health: Liberating the NHS
Department of Health: Quality and Productivity
National Health Service
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
NHS National Patient Safety Agency
Nursing and Midwifery Council
Social Care Institute for Excellence