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March 21, 2020

Content Analysis

Content Analysis

Project description
This paper (annotated bibliography) is part of my research project. Just a brief background for your information: The project is actually an content analysis, to find

8-10 articles from major newspapers that discuss the race and/or ethnicity topic. analyze the reporters’ treatment of the chosen topic from a sociological perspective.

talk about how Asian/Chinese people look in Westerners’ eyes, through the news about Chinese tourists’ behaviors. It needs to link to the discussion of race and/or


In this bibliography, you will need to create an annotated Bibliography of the 8 news articales. You will describe the criteria for gathering the articles, and then

write up a preliminary summary of the themes (codes) that you are finding in your data that are most relevant to your research question. You will also summarize the

source details (date, length, newspaper, author, etc.), describe the content, document and enumerate the pieces of evidence for the themes that you find in each

article, and excerpt the relevant text from each article.

Additional comments from professor on how are you going to analyze the articles: What word choices do they make? Is race explicit or not? Are other physical

characteristics used? What images do the descriptions invoke? Is the tone positive or negative? What sources are quotedofficial or people affected? What messages about

Asians are being created?

Format: minimum 6-10 single-spaced Full pages total, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman font, MLA.