Consumer journal report Academic Essay

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Consumer journal report Academic Essay


Individual Assessment

The Consumer Journal Report requires you to analyse the internal and external factors influencing the consumer decision making process for a major purchase – e.g. a car or a holiday. Your analysis MUST be based on reality, that is, you are required Week 11 (20% )1200 words HK2011 Buyer Behaviour Tri 1 2016 8 to research this topic with someone who has recently made such a decision. The assignment should be in report format. Your analysis will integrate a number of elements covered in Lectures 7-10. It is important to be analytical and NOT descriptive, demonstrating an understanding of which theories were at play in this purchase situation.

Marking Criteria • Description of Internal Influences (Perception, Learning, Motivation, Personality & Attitude) • Description of External Influences (Group Influence, Culture) • Analysis and demonstration of understanding • Report format, presentation and referencing • Overall impression of excellence

Reference style – Harvard

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Posted on May 30, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions