Consider that you are a brand manger for a newly lauched exlusive of watches in sultanate of Oman

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Consider that you are a brand manger for a newly lauched exlusive of watches in sultanate of Oman

Consider that you are a brand manger for a newly lauched exlusive of watches in sultanate of Oman

1 -Introduction to the subject,the company and the product.
2 -Identify target audience and which is your target market for newly launched
exclusive range of watches.
3 -SWOT analysis of the newly launched brand of watch.
4 -Measuring and evaluating brand equity.
5 -Positioning brand of watches against any one major competitor(brand valuation)
Branding strategies adopted to promote the product.
7-Ethical implication by the company.
8- Analysis of contemporary media vehicles.
9 -Conclusion.