Throughout this course, you have been exploring the foundations of children’s healthy development and learning and your role in promoting positive developmental outcomes for young children and their families. In this module, you have had an opportunity to reflect on your own growth and development and explore how you can influence positive social change on your journey as a scholar-practitioner.
As you move forward in your academic journey, knowledge, skills, and current, evidence-based resources are needed to successfully impact social change. One valuable resource is your colleagues, who can support and inspire, inform and challenge, and serve as both a beacon and a guide with their unique talents and perspectives.
To prepare:
In this Assignment, you explore and comment on the blogs of two of your colleagues with whom you share interests. Think about the blogs you have read during the course and consider with whom you would like to form scholarly partnerships throughout the program. Remember that your blog will accompany you throughout the program and, if desired, into your professional life.
• Questions raised by your colleagues’ posts
• Topics you would like to explore further
• Suggestions of recommended resources based on your colleagues’ interests
• Information you can share that can help you maintain a connection throughout your studies
• Ideas on how you and/or your colleagues can effect positive social change related to your visions and scholarly interests and to those of your colleagues
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Posted on May 6, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions