Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

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October 13, 2020
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October 13, 2020

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Topic: Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

You must include the following for full points: Due March 20

1. Introduction (why did you choose this topic and what is important about it)- I chose this topic because I am a Registered nurse on a Medical Cardiology unit specializing in CHF related patients.

Is there any personal significance for you? Why is it a priority topic?
Include any national data on the prevalence/impact of the problem (10pts)

2. Describe normal body structure & function related to the disease/disorder (10pts)

3. Describe the mechanism of disease and how the body adapts. What is the condition? Why is it important? What goes wrong? How does the body compensate? (15 pts)

4. Explain the clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings of this disease and how they arise. List the laboratory findings expected in this condition. List at least 6 signs and symptoms expected in this condition. For each of these signs and symptoms answer the following: Sign/symptom x is due to ……. (20 pts)

5. Explain any risk factors, genetic factors, or environmental factors that contribute to the disorder/disease. How is each factor thought to cause this disease/condition? (15 pts)

6. Lifestyle changes that might be required if you or someone you know had this condition. What would be needed (treatments, education, medication, costs, time away from work or family, hospitalizations, home/work/environment adaptation etc.) to survive with this disease/ condition? (10 pts)

7. Conclusion (what was the most important concept you learned in this paper and why was it important to you.) (10 pts)

8. APA format- Please follow APA rules for the format of the paper (10 pts)