Comparison and Contrast of Judaism and Hinduism
September 16, 2020
September 17, 2020


Human beings in their lives are faced with many questions about life and its reasons for existence. In matters faith, there are questions about God, where He came from as well as where He will go at the end of the matters of mortality, people have tried to explain where they will go after death or in other words life after death. Philosophy has found it hard to explain and sell its theories owing to the foundation of faith that is rooted in the society. due to this fact, it is important to appreciate the interaction between religion, philosophy and ethics in relation to the concept of the absurd ant the explanation of the meaning of life.

The most vital reason for the existence of philosophy is to answer the question of the meaning of life. The themes of faith, mortality and suicide are the triad with which a human being struggles with to deal with the uncertainty of whether life is worth living or not. Although faith is taken to have an inclination to religion, it does not reflect as such in the works of Albert Camus. Camus brings out the theme of faith as a self-belief1. This belief that brings a dilemma in oneself sets a life question that is difficult to answer. It creates difficulty in trying to affirm and describe the core existence of life without the contribution of the external factors that affect life. To arrive to the conclusion that existence of life matters if considered by many as the reason for their day to day struggle to make ends meet. A close examination of works of literature that deal with philosophy of absurdity shows favoritism on the theme of existentialism. This provoked Camus to deny the philosophy of existentialism2.


  1. Albert, Camus. 1975. The myth of Sisyphus. Harmondsworth: Penguin books.
  2. George, McMurray. Albert Camu’s concept of the absurd and Juan Jose Arreola’s ‘The Swithcman’. Latin American Literary Review

Philosophy, in the context and concept of absurdity, views suicide in an absurd perspective. It is considered a difficulty on human beings to live a life. The human beings who assume a bias in the claim that life is not worth living are the ones who exercise the practice. This is exemplified in the works of Camus, where he diverts to the theme of mortality through character Sisyphus3. The concept here is well outlined; that human beings tend to be normal till death knocks to immortalize them. The possibility and validity of this concept is that no living person has ever experienced death. Without such an assumption, the concept may not make sense. Further, the reason and the fact that no live human being has ever died, arouses the urge in human beings to be concerned more about their immortality.

Human beings in their quest to understand the meaning of life have explained the forces that are unseen as the external forces. In this case they refer to the immortal of the endless world. They have expressed belief that this is a world that is ungraspable. The notion of the absurd then comes about again, here explained as eternity, likened to unlimited visions4. Man tries all means at his disposal to be able to cope with this external world. Difficulty comes because man is not able to directly interact with the external world, yet it influences the way of living of man. The main way that has been identified by man in fighting with the strange external world is political in nature. It involves overthrowing an oppressive authority that is oppressive in nature. In such kind of a revolution it is important to recognize the idea brought out from resisting a tyrannical force.


  1. Albert, Camus. 1975. The myth of Sisyphus. Harmondsworth: Penguin books.
  2. George, McMurray. Albert Camu’s concept of the absurd and Juan Jose Arreola’s ‘The Swithcman’. Latin American Literary Review

The feelings in man that bring about a dilemma about the meaning of life bear a deeper meaning than one can realize from the surface. A regular repulsion or impulse in a soul leads to the development of thinking or habits that brings about effects that the soul may not fathom. The nature of very strong feelings is the tendency to create a self-splendid or abject universe. This kind of world or universe tends to be exclusive and the greater feelings understand the climate that it sets5. This universe is characterized by generosity, selfishness, jealousy and ambition. It has an attitude of mind, and tends to be metaphysic. Emotions are also affected by such kind of a universe.

The ridiculous nature of great feelings and thoughts brings about another reason for dilemma and absurdity. The irony in this matter is that such abject births bring about the pride of the absurd world. This explains the state of absurdity as in when the soul replies ‘nothing’ to a question with total sincerity. Out of a void heart, comes eloquence-the real essence of absurdity. This may also explain why a mechanical life may bring weariness, yet it launches the consciousness impulses. In such a case, consciousness is awakened and a gradual return is initiated towards the chain of definitive awakening. As this consequence gets to the end, recovery or suicide may result

The behavior portrayed by some people also portrays a high degree of absurdity. The sometimes make gestures that are completely meaningless and makes their environment lose meaning. The absurdity of this behavior can only be likened to the miracle of a mirror which man has not understood so far.


  1. George, McMurray. Albert Camu’s concept of the absurd and Juan Jose Arreola’s ‘The Swithcman’. Latin American Literary Review


The view that the spread of confusion is contributed by everything brings about a high degree of absurdity. It has mad people to deny life a meaning. This led to their not seeing the worth of living. The measure between these two common logics has no sense. This is because the proponents of these judgments have perpetuated the culture of ruthless killing in the pretense that life has no meaning.

Absurdity feelings affect people wherever they are. Absurdity is elusive. This explains the concept that an aspect of a human being can remain unknown till at a time when absurdity strikes with action. By this fact then, the sincere impulses and the make-believe of a man is what defines them.


Camus, A. 1975. The myth of Sisyphus: Harmondsworth: Penguin books.

McMurray, George, R. 1997. Albert Camu’s concept of the absurd and Juan Jose Arreola’s ‘The Swithcman’. Latin American Literary Review, 6 (11). 30-35