March 11, 2020
Employee Performance mangement Custom Essay
March 11, 2020

Concept Analysis: Fever

Concept Analysis: Fever
Paper instructions:
I. Concept Paper

A. Purpose: The concept paper will provide you the opportunity to explore a concept related to your advanced practice role, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to develop written communication skills.

B. Content
1. Introduction to paper
– Identify the concept (Concept Analysis: Fever)
– Briefly state the reason for selecting the concept
– Describe an overview of the paper

2. Content of Paper
– Definitions of the concept from various sources
– Include descriptions about dimensions of the concept
– Review of relevant literature about the concept (articles about it,
its use in practice)
– Summarize findings and results of research studies about the
– Include application of the concept specifically to Advance Practice Nurse, Nurse Practitioner practice

3. Summary: Summarize key points of the paper

C. Other requirements
1. use APA format
2. Provide an abstract
3. Type and single space
4. Paraphrase, use references correctly in the narrative
5. Include a reference page; cite only references used in the paper and use
correct APA format (references within five years unless it is a historic
or classic reference)
6. There should be a minimum of eight references, predominantly from
7. This assignment is worth 50% of your grade; it will be graded using the Scholarly Paper instrument and turn-it-in to prevent plagiarism.