The Basic Science of Public Health
May 8, 2020
To critically analyse a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
May 8, 2020

Computer Networking

Computer Networking
Someone wrote this paper for me answering 3 sets of questions but the paper was graded 33%, which is a fail.

I need it rewritten so it won’t fail, here is the advice given:

Question 1
You made a good attempt at undertaking the first question, however you ran into a number of problems, for example types of firewalls and IP addressing.

Question 2
You ran into a number of problems with the first part of the question in regard to DNS and AD services.

You did however provide a good answer for the second part of the question, however in the final part of the question, you needed to include more detail in however you would configure and test shared file access.

Question 3
You completed the first part of the question reasonably well, however you ran into a number of problems explaining the steps requited to set up AD sites and links between them.

This was also the case with the final part of the question, where you needed to provide detail on how to configure AD RMS rather than details on installing the servers themselves.