Compute the amount of acid phosphatase

Creating and observing bacteria in petri dishes
May 3, 2020
Identify the major causes of cvd
May 3, 2020

Compute the amount of acid phosphatase

1. how to calculate the initial velocity of a best fit line

2. what does the [Product]/time data for the uncatalyzed reaction tell you about the stability of nitrophenyl phosphate (the data was consistant throughout the entire experiment – concentration of 12.5 for all 6 runs)

3. Suppose you add five micrograms of purified acid phosphatase to the pur acid phosphatase reaction – compute the amound of acid phosphatase in 400 microliters of wheat germ extract

4. calculate the amount of acid phosphaatase in 1 gram of wheat germ using the data from question 3 (must calculate the concentration on wheat germ extract)