Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

microchip implant
September 26, 2020
Read and discuss in writing pages 11 through 21 of “Effective Problem-Solving: How to Understand the Process and Practice It Successfully,” by Steven
September 26, 2020

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Review “EDU 225 Instructional Technology Benchmark Assessment and Rubric
Unwrapping the Technology Standards

1) Part One: Graphic Organizer

a) Using the ISTE Web site listed in your required readings, compare and contrast the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS for Teachers) with any set of standards listed by your state.

b) Create a graphic organizer to make these comparisons.

c) If your state does not include any requirements for teachers to know and understand before teaching, select the two standards that you feel best support what you see as imperative knowledge for a classroom teacher and explain your decisions in detail.

a) In a 400 word essay, discuss the requirements of a specific grade-level or content specific standards as developed in the NETS for Students.

b) Describe technologies that are widely available to teachers in K-12 education to facilitate teaching, learning, and communications.

c) Which requirements for the grade of your choice do you feel are right on target and will be easy to implement?

d) Evaluate how technology can be used in the typical K-12 classroom to enhance teaching and learning.

e) Which requirements for the grade of your choice do you feel will be the most difficult to support from those recommended?

f) Although limited at the present in your overall grade-level knowledge, are there any specific skills you feel are missing from your selected grade level? Do not forget to check that it was not already introduced within an earlier grade level.

g) Use the GCU eLibrary to research three to five peer reviewed articles in support of your conclusions.

h) Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide