Watch the following video link “All Washed Up”
October 13, 2020
male rights
October 13, 2020

Compenation Administration

Topic: Compenation Administration

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Compensation Administration and the knowledge of methodology used in
determining wage and salary policy.
1. The methodology used to determine wage and salary policy, including
factor, point,ranking and classifications systems.
2. Federal and State Laws affecting the development of compesation systems.
3. The methods of identifying and selecting appropriate health and
welfare retirement benefit programs 401K for an organization.
4. How my knowledge of compensation administration has led or could
lead to effective decsion makeing in my organization., identifying,
and evaluvating policies and procedures whcih have been designed or

My company is telecommunications and we need to save money as a whole.
We use RADFORD surveys to determine our salary ranges which is an
average of all networking and telecommuications companies. Are
competitors are Cisco, Juniper, HP etc.