Comparison between Hitler and Putin

Literary Research
June 6, 2020
Impact on muslims after 911
June 6, 2020

Comparison between Hitler and Putin

Write a 2 page essay talking about the comparison between Hitler and Putin. Talk about how they’re alike and how they are different. Explain the actions that Hitler did that were similar to the actions Putin is currently doing. 




Paper Grading Rubric:

  • Introduction/Transitions/Conclusion

o   Do I have an introduction with a clear thesis statement?

o   Do I have a body with carefully placed supports, transitions, & a conclusion?

  • Paper Format

o   Did I follow the margin requirements, the 12 point font, Times New Roman requirements? 

o   Did compose an argument of appropriate length?

o   Do I have correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation?

  • No Use of Personal Pronouns

o   Did I omit any unnecessary personal pronouns?

  • Work Cited Page

o   Do I have a Work Cited Page with correct margins, spacing, & in alphabetical order? (MLA or APA fromat)

  • Good Sources


o   Did I use an internationally-recognized news source?