1. Compare two television shows or movies and how the represented family. Pick either a tv show or a movie for both do not compare a tv show with a movie.
· The first must be from the 1980s or earlier
· The second must be from the late 1990s to current
· Describe the demographic make-up of the family:
o Race
o Single parent or dual parent
o Stepfamily
o Nuclear family
· Describe the role of each person within the family:
o Father/husband
o Mother/wife
o Boys (break up if different roles due to age)
o Girls (break up if different roles due to age)
· Describe the central message or theme that the show or movie is saying about family
· Use any other parts of the show or movie that would explain the idea of family and the dynamics of family
2. Write a minimum two page APA style paper about the shows or movies you compared