compare and contrastTheodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson principles based on their writings

CRE continuation (RLT1 Task 2)
August 6, 2020
there is five topics to choose from in the instruction part
August 6, 2020

compare and contrastTheodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson principles based on their writings

Using the primary sources below, compare and contrast the two mens principles based on their writings, and then, using the textbook and at least one secondary source from the librarys JSTOR or Project MUSE databases, compare each presidents political principles with his actions while in officehow well did their actions match their rhetoric?
use one of these souces
Bull Moose Party. (1912, Aug. 7). Platform of the Progressive party. Retrieved from
Roosevelt, T. R. (1910, Aug. 31). The new nationalism. Retrieved from
Wilson, W. (1913, March 4). First inaugural address. Retrieved from
Wilson, W. (1913). What is progress?. In The new freedom: A call for the emancipation of the generous energies of a people (Chapter II). New York: Doubleday, Page & Company. Retrieved from