Compare and contrast the Person Centered Approach with Transaction Analysis in relation to your own personal development.

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Compare and contrast the Person Centered Approach with Transaction Analysis in relation to your own personal development.

AssessmentType of Assignment: One componentComparative account of personal development in relation to core theoretical model and Transactional Analysis. 100%Word count: 4000Assessment DescriptionAssessment brief:EssayCompare and contrast the Person Centered Approach with Transaction Analysis in relation to your own personal development.i will be attaching the documents you would need make sure you look at everything
Added on 03.11.2015 15:02
i will be attaching the documents you would need make sure you look at everything you really need to make things up for personal development to do this assignment if you dont understand anything then please feel free to contact me before you start this essay i dont want it done wrong
below are links to my class notes it also says what needs to be in the essay if you can open it then please let me know but please until you know what you need to do dont start the assignment