Compare and contrast political systems in USA and Russia Custom Essay

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Compare and contrast political systems in USA and Russia Custom Essay

Compare and contrast political systems in USA and Russia. Introduction As part of the most powerful countries in the world, natural expectations are such that they have similar political systems. However, as it would emerge, there are stark contrasts that set aside the types of political systems of Russia and America. The different systems of politics in each county have had a direct influence in the manner in which each country runs its affairs. This discussion takes a look at some of the similarities and differences that define the Russian and American political systems. Capitalism and Communism Perhaps one of the most peculiar differences in form of governance between America and Russia is that the former has embraced capitalism while the latter has embraced communism. Although these systems are bent much towards the economic systems, they have a ripple effect on the political system of each country. Capitalism on one hand advocates for free markets, creation of wealth and to great extent individualism (Reissinger, p. 82). People think about their interests first. Communism on the other hand embraces a tendency of together. There is principle in communism that a society cannot grow unless it is the entire society growing.