Compare and contrast K Chopin, Storm vs Story of an hour.

Counselling Theory and Practice
October 21, 2020
October 21, 2020

Compare and contrast K Chopin, Storm vs Story of an hour.

Compare and contrast K Chopin, Storm vs Story of an hour.

Paper instructions:
Compare and contrast essay based on 2 stories by Kate chopin: “The Storm” and “The story of an hour”.

wj Compare and Contrast Essay Assignment

We have just read Kate Chopin’s ”The Story of an Hour” and ”The Storm” while learning about
character, setting and plot as it applies to fiction. Compare and contrast the two stories.

Your essay should have an introduction that will lead into your thesis statement and a conclusion. You
may want to use direct quotes to make your argument stronger. Your essay needs to be in MLA format, with
works cited page. It is worth 200 points and is due September 23. V
Here is a quick breakdown on how the Compare-Contrast Essay shj/uld appear: V

-Type A:
-Paragraph 1: Introduction (with Thesis) H V W Li .- (2 H,‘
A «Q OLU Lei/X “ti

-Paragraph 2: Topic 1 (Comparison a) ” C haw/Q C/Le

-Paragraph 3: Topic 1 (Comparison b) r “S

-Paragraph 4: Topic 1 (Comparison c) – Qkok’ r

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-Paragraph 5: Topic 2 (Contrast a) ’ ’ou) g ‘J
1 y 2 re

-Paragraph 6: Topic 2 (Contrast b) A 3 ‘9 H 0“

-Paragraph 7: Topic 2 (Contrast c) 6?‘

-Paragraph 8: (Optional) – Comparisons/Contrasts together (any topic)

5 T Q. kt
-Paragraph 8: Conclusion MSQ Ob NC” kQu“Q“LQ’ 40 m
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-Type B: KYUMJE g 8% JO
i .‘ A __ ( “ – i 7

-Paragraph 1: Introduction (with Thesis) (‘LOW &’lLO{“)/8 3Q m
-Paragraph 2: Comparison a
paragraph 3: Contrast a
paragraph 4: Comparison b
oparagraph 5: Contrast b
oParagfaph 6: Comparison c
Paragraph 7: Contrast c
paragraph 8: Conclusion % V