This assignment is your project proposal. You will propose the company to be formed, provide preliminary information about it, and discuss how you will research its viability and strategy.
Write a paper on the new enterprise that addresses at least the following seven sections:
Company & Product
Competitor Analysis
Marketing Plan Research
Primary and Secondary Research
Make sure paper body starts with a summary where there is a statement of thesis (overview of the points to be made), continues with a discussion (or specific answers to specific questions), and ends with a conclusion. The seven specific sections should be annotated and have specific answers.
All papers should be written in the third person (he, he, it, and they). Make every effort not to shift to second person (you, your) as in, “When starting a company you need money.” Try to avoid shifting to the first person (I, we) as well. It is distracting to the reader and bad style to shift persons in a paper—students often do it in the middle of a sentence.
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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions