Communication Techniques used in a Child Health Assessment (inc RN responsibilities

Joy Land
March 13, 2020
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March 13, 2020

Communication Techniques used in a Child Health Assessment (inc RN responsibilities

Communication Techniques used in a Child Health Assessment (inc RN responsibilities

Assignment 2 Part 1 Go to the Video clip link ‘Body Language in the Nurse-Client Therapeutic Relationship’ • Watch the film clip of the nurse conducting the health assessment on a 16 year old teenage girl. • Pause the film clip when the man says “Time out” • Using the headings in the template A: • analyse the actions of the nurse conducting the assessment. • list, in dot point format, any inappropriate actions of the nurse, together with a rationale (dot points also) and a reference for the rationale (Harvard style). You will find evidence for the rationale from your course material readings and resources. Part 2 • Continue to watch the second half of the film clip of the nurse conducting the health assessment on a 16 year old teenage girl. • Using template B o list in dot point format, the nurse’s interaction o state why (rationale) this interaction may have been more appropriate o reference your rationale statement using Harvard style of referencing