cloning, advertising, technology, the environment, poverty, crime, ecology, music
May 13, 2020
Financial Decision Making Assurance of Learning Project
May 13, 2020

Communication strategies

The 3rd part of your paper will discuss your proposed plan to address the nursing issue. Please include the following in your plan:
1.    Proposed solution
2.    Communication strategies related to your selected issue
3.    How you would disseminate (spread) the information you have collected, including proposed solution; Dissemination may include specific nursing journals, your practicum site, etc.
4.    Barriers to implementing your plan: i.e., financial concerns
The finished Assignment should be a 4 page descriptive essay, excluding the title page and references. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained.
This is part 3 of the paper.  I will attach part 1 and part 2 for you to read.  This part of the assignment follows part 3.

References can be from these: (I will attach the articles)
Do not use outside references
Battistella, M. (2012). Management of depression in hemodialysis patients. CANNT Journal, 22(3), 29-34.
Gerogianni, S. K., & Babatsikou, F. P. (2014). Psychological Aspects in Chronic Renal Fail. Health Science Journal, 8(2), 205-214.
Fox, C., & Kohn, L. S. (2008). The importance of patient education in the treatment of chronic kidney disease. Kidney International, 74(9), 1114-1115. doi:10.1038/ki.2008.422
Komaric, N., Bedford, S., & van Driel, M. L. (2014). Two sides of the coin: patient and provider perceptions of health care delivery to patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

BMC Health Services Research, 12(1), 322-335. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-12-322
Keskin, G., & Engin, E. (2011). The evaluation of depression, suicidal ideation and coping strategies in haemodialysis patients with renal failure. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 20(19/20), 2721-2732.

Walton, J. (2011). Can a one-hour presentation make an impact on cultural awareness?. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 38(1), 21-31.
Escobedo, W., & Weismuller, P. (2013). Assessing health literacy in renal failure and kidney transplant patients. Progress In Transplantation, 23(1), 47-54. doi:10.7182/pit2013473
Doss, S., DePascal, P., & Hadley, K. (2011). Patient-Nurse Partnerships. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 38(2), 115-124.
Griva, K. K., Ng, H. J., Loei, J. J., Mooppil, N. N., McBain, H. H., & Newman, S. P. (2013). Managing treatment for end-stage renal disease €“ A qualitative study exploring cultural perspectives on

facilitators and barriers to treatment adherence. Psychology & Health, 28(1), 13-29. doi:10.1080/08870446.2014.703670
Krueger, L. (2009). Experiences of Hmong patients on hemodialysis and the nurses working with them. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 36(4), 379-387.