Communication AssignmentOrder DescriptionInstructions
This assignment allows you the opportunity to undertake some preliminary research on
topics that are of considerable interest within communication studies. Perhaps these
topics will continue to be of interest to you over the course of your studies, where you will
be able to study them in more detail.
Completing this assignment is as easy as one, two, three.
Step One
Select one of the following concepts:
i. Network
ii. Digital
iii. Social network
iv. Trolling
v. Free speech
vi. Algorithm
vii. Control
viii. Accessibility
ix. Publicity
x. Cyber-Activism
xi. Discourse
xii. Commodification
xiii. Consumerism
xiv. Open Source
xv. Censorship
xvi. Resistance
xvii. Public opinion
xviii. Copyright
xix. Citizenship
xx. Software
xxi. Propaganda
xxii. Hacking
xxiii. Sexuality
xxiv. Big Data
xxv. Net Neutrailty
xxvi. Convergence
xxvii. Archive
xxviii. Engagement
Step Two
Find two authors who have written about the concept you have chosen and more
importantly that have attempted to provide a definition of that concept. You are to
consult either books available at the Carleton University Library (U of Os library is fine,
too) or journal articles available through the library (in other words, articles from journals
the library subscribes to). Once you have this you will tell me what those two authors say
about the concept and how they define it. Is it different? The same?
Step Three
You are to provide three brief case studies that illustrate both the concept and the ways
that the two authors you have chosen have characterized that concept. For example: If I
were to select hegemony, and I find one author who talks about the concept by
referring to the idea of military dominance and I find another author who talks about
hegemony as stifling contrary opinions, I then have to find three examples that illustrate
those two views. You may use the internet to find the examples, and I expect that each
case study will be explained in brief maybe a paragraph or two for each.
In the end your paper will look like this:
a. An introduction which explains why you have chosen the topic
b. A section which shows me how two authors have defined and discussed this topic
c. A section which shows me three examples which illustrate what the topic is, why it
is important, and which illustrates the ideas and arguments of the authors you
have researched
d. A conclusion that tells me why this is significant for a class on communication
Other Information
1. This paper is to be 5-6 pages, (double-spaced) in length.
2. This paper must be written in 12-point font.
3. You may use any formatting method you choose, provided that it is consistent
throughout the document
4. You must provide a bibliography section to list the sources you consulted for this
5. You must have a title page with a title (please dont write 1-2-3 Assignment or
COMM 2100 Assignment), your name, student number, discussion group
number, and name of teaching assistant.
6. This paper is due at any time from February 24-March 31.
7. You are to hand in your paper to your TA during discussion group sessions.
8. No electronic versions of your paper will be accepted.
9. No paper will be accepted after April 1, 2015 and no extensions will be granted
without proper medical documentation.