Coming of Age in Mississippi
-Prepare a clear ARGUMENT that support with evidence. Make sure answer all the questions in the body paragraphs( listed under TOPIC)
-DO NOT consult any materials outside the assigned resources provided (including additional online resources)
-The following two websites contain transcripts and audio recordings o dozens of oral histories. The paper must incorporate and cite ONE oral history interview from AT LEAST ONE OF THESE
http;// (be sure to click on “oral history’ section)
– FORMAT:use either FOOTNOTES or ENDNOTES to cite sources, 1? margins, double space,12 point font)
– use quotes and make good analysis with well developed thesis in introduction, body paragraph and a conclusion ( minimize the use of too much descriptive of the book) Needs to be an
argument paper. Condense the quotes and incorporate into the paper.
Anne Moody’s autography Coming of Age in Mississippi describes race relations in the south before and during the civil rights movement. It takes a very personal view of this by chronicling how
Moody herself comes of age in a racial and gendered context. Focusing on her individual path to activism and on the broader southern community in which she lived (whose voices must be
represented from one oral history interview), why did some people become involved in civil rights struggles when so many other southerners did not? Consider the social, political and economic
circumstances that drove certain people towards activism and also prevented others from joining the movement.