combo order presentation and associated lesson plan on teaching Academic Essay

Policy Decisions Academic Essay
August 20, 2020
Feasibility Study Report Academic Essay
August 20, 2020

combo order presentation and associated lesson plan on teaching Academic Essay

Length: 1,000 equivalent (please note this is a guide only)

You have been asked to orient a group of beginning teachers / trainers about the characteristics of quality teaching
within the adult / vocational sector. I am a nurse hence will relate to the field of nursing.

• Develop a 20-minute PowerPoint (please only use Microsoft PowerPoint) presentation that provides an overview of this topic.

• Include detailed notes, as a separate document, that provide further details about the slides and the way the presentation will be delivered.

COMBO ORDER: speech presentation for 4 pages and ppt for 8 slides.
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions